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The salon of Patent Layout and Patent Dispute Response in UAV Industry
[ Time:2019/10/31 18:39:01    Font-size:Big Middle Small   1478 hits ]

On October 25 2019, under the guidance of science and technology innovation and Industrial Development Bureau of Zhuhai high-tech Zone, Innopat Intellectual Property Co. Ltd and Zhuhai Southern Software Park Development Co. Ltd in coordination with Zhuhai Intellectual Property Protection Association and Zhuhai UAV Association hosted a conference to discuss Patent Layout and Patent Dispute Response in the UAV Industry. There was extensive discussion about cases and patent layout information which attracted the enthusiastic participation of local famous enterprises, including Zhuhai SV Tech Co. Ltd., YuanGuang Software and Longhua Helicopters etc.

                                Speech by Xie Feng, executive chairman of Zhuhai UAV Association

Ms. Helen Duan, General Manager of Innopat, shared examples of patent disputes between the UAV industry in China and the United States, as well as the invalidation of patent rights in China. In particular, she also analyzed the patent war between DJI-Innovations (DJI) and Autel.

                                                       Sharing guest Ms. Helen Duan 

Ms. Linda systematically introduced the patent layout, technical route and patent information of key enterprises such 

as Boeing and Yamaha in the UAV industry from Worldwide, Chinese and Guangdong perspectives.

                                                Sharing guest Ms. Linda Lin

Finally, some enterprises representatives also had in-depth exchanges with guests on patent application, patent operation and patent layout at home and abroad. 

                                                 Discussion and Communication

:Innopat Intellectual Property Co. Ltd.             :

:www.chesapeakecorvetteclub.com                                          : mail@innopat.com.cn