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Innopat Participated in 2nd WIPO International IP Symposium and Invited to Give Speeches
[ Time:2019/11/25 11:10:22    Font-size:Big Middle Small   1515 hits ]

The second “WIPO International IP Symposium” hosted by Dongguan municipal market supervision and Administration Bureau (Intellectual Property Bureau) and organized by Dongguan Association of private enterprises was successfully held in Exhibition International Hotel Dongguan. More than 300 representatives from relevant units, industry associations, town and street enterprises attended the symposium.

Mr. Helen Duan, General Manager of Innopat, was invited to attend the conference and gave a keynote speech on “Typical Case Sharing and Strategic Suggestions for Foreign-related Intellectual Property Disputes in Enterprises”. She introduced the US 337 investigation case handled by Innopat, the successful case of German customs enforcement and the design of Hong Kong.